Water Resources
Created by the Arlington Water Club (est. 2019)
About the Club
We're the Arlington Water Club: a group of high school students from New York passionate about solving the global water crisis! Our mission is to make water safer and more accessible for communities and ecosystems alike. We take action on local and global water issues through advocacy and fundraising.
President: Angela Ye
Vice President: Saumya Gorti
Secretary: Anagha MA Kumar
Treasurer: Minali Abraham-Aggarwal
If you're a student from Arlington High School interested in joining the club or would like to reach out to us, feel free to direct message us on Instagram (@ahswaterclub) or email Angela ([email protected]).
About our website
Water is life. From an individual cell to the entire biosphere, water is the foundation of all life on Earth. However, humans have disrupted water systems on a global scale, resulting in serious environmental and social problems. The water crisis —scarcity of clean water—threatens the wellbeing of communities and ecosystems across the world. Marine habitats, the most biodiverse areas on Earth, are endangered by human activity. All of these issues are significantly exacerbated by climate change: a very real and imminent threat to all life on this planet.
We have compiled a list of reputable charities, petitions, and organizations to raise awareness. We hope that these resources help you learn about and take action on these critical issues.
The Water Crisis
Can you imagine living without accessible, clean water? This is the reality for 785 million people (JMP 2019). The water crisis, also referred to as the WASH crisis, is the lack of a sufficient usable water supply to meet human demand. WASH refers to water, sanitation, and hygiene: three interrelated necessities for life that many communities around the world do not have. The organizations and informational resources below are addressing this global crisis through water projects and advocacy.
Aquatic Conservation
Contaminated water has dire consequences on watersheds and aquatic ecosystems. Humans depend on these habits for their way of life in areas around the world, and aquatic biodiversity is necessary for an overall healthy biosphere. These organizations strive to keep our freshwater and marine ecosystems clean.
Workshop Resources
Here are sources we used and referenced in our Equity Conference workshops from 2021 and 2022. We encourage you to explore, continue to educate yourself, and spread awareness in your community.